• Marwan, Rania., El Badawy, Tarek. & Rhea Ingram (2024). Navigating Truth in Cyberspace: Questioning Online Information Credibility from the Perspective of Egyptian News Consumers. American International Journal of Business Management, 7(3), 101-112. Here

    EL Badawy, Tarek, M. Marwan, Rania, & Rhea Ingram. (2022). Understanding the Effectiveness of Internal Branding in Egyptian Television Broadcasting. International Journal of Business and Economics Research, 7(1), Pages 77-90. Here

    El Badawy, Tarek, Marwan, Rania, & Magdy, Mariam. (2019). Main and Interaction Effects of ‘Power Distance’ and ‘Uncertainty Avoidance’ on Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises in Egypt. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 9(3), Pages 198-217. Here

    El khouly, Sayed, Marwan, Rania. (2016). Defining organizational culture that drives strategic innovation in micro, small and medium enterprises in Egypt. Competition Forum: American Society for Competitiveness, 14(2), 190-200. Here

    El Badawy, Tarek, Marwan, Rania. & Magdy, Mariam. (2015). The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Knowledge Management in Organizations. International Business Research, 8(5), 111-119. Here

    El khouly, Sayed, Marwan, Rania. (2015). The Impact of Age and Gender on Strategic Innovation in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Egypt. Competition Forum: American Society for Competitiveness, 13(2), 167-178. Here

    El Khouly, Sayed., El Sedfy, Hala. & Marwan, Rania. (2014). Gender and Leadership Styles: The Impact on Organizational Culture and Employee Empowerment. Competition Forum: American Society for Competitiveness, 12(1), 141-151.  Here

    Marwan, Rania., El Badawy, Tarek, Ingram, Rhea. & David Ang (2024). Public Policy and Society, The Case of Changing Smoking Behavior in the United States. International Journal of Public Law and Policy. In Press

  • Marwan, Rania., El Badawy, Tarek. & Chinta, Ravi (2023).  Re-visiting ‘Collectivism’ and ‘Assertiveness’ as Determinants of Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises in Egypt: The differential Effect of Gender. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management. Under Review

    El Badawy et al. (2017) examined the effect of two dimensions of Hofstede's organizational culture, collectivism and assertiveness, on firm innovation in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Egypt; specifically, on research and development (R&D) and new product development (NPD).  Based on their survey of 326 respondents in Egyptian SMEs, the interaction effect of collectivism and assertiveness was statistically significant on firm innovation. This paper extends their argument by examining the role of gender on firm innovation.  A dummy variable for female gender is included to improve the predictive power of El Badawy et al.'s models.  The results show that the R&D model, while controlling for the gender of the participants, resulted in the parsing out of the effect of the assertiveness focus variable, showing a statistically significant effect on R&D in Egyptian SMEs. Furthermore, accounting for gender confirms that female employees are more likely to drive NPD.

  • My dissertation examines nonprofit theory building and its implication in the MENA region. It highlights the importance of taking into consideration the relationships that exist and persist overtime to understand how social transformations take place.  The MENA region is a ‘similar but different’ set of countries, and this needs to be considered in third sector theory building.  The implications of the different and similar institutional environments and political systems of these countries affect the way business is conducted in the region, as well as the organizations that try to assist businesses in the region.  I provide a framework for Nonprofit networks, that have the goal of bridging regional and international boundaries have, to put into consideration the similar but different characteristic.

    In my dissertation, I address the overarching question of how exposure to network activities is related to building the capacity of network members from their perspective. I use a mixed methods approach to assess the relationship between exposure to networks and increased capacities of female members of networks in the MENA region. Tools of data collection include an online survey instrument and 25 semi-structured interviews with members of networks across different countries in the MENA region. I focus on four networks in the MENA region that represent the universe from which the study sample was drawn. Non-probability purposive sampling is utilized. Bivariate analysis is used in the quantitative analysis to understand the relationship between exposure to network functions and perceived capacities of members. The qualitative portion of this study used structured focused comparison of selected interview cases.

    I provide the first third sector theory in relation to network formation, governance and capacity building efforts in the MENA region. I propose a framework for network formation at the micro level focusing mainly on how exposure to networks positively influences the capacities of its individual members.

  • Book Manuscript: Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA): Nonprofit Networks and Social Transformation. Submitted to the Indiana University Press

    Journal Articles:

    • Diversity, Equity, Justice and Inclusion (DEJI) and Moonshot Philanthropy in the MENA context

    • Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management in Organizations with Tarek ElBadawy & Rhea Ingram.

    • Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Egyptian third Sector.

    • Understanding the Third Sector; Exploring the Marketing Strategies of Non-Profits vs. Private Enterprises.

  • 01/2022-09/2022  Advisory Board Member, Collaborating Agencies’ Disaster Relief Effort (CADRE), San Jose, CA

    09/ 2020   Speaker at the Women Entrepreneurship Week hosted by the Harbert College of Business, AU, AL

    10/30/2023 Presenting key insights from my forthcoming book, titled “Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA): Nonprofit Networks and Social Transformation” at the 7th Annual Symposium on Muslim Philanthropy and Civil Society, organized by Indiana University’s Muslim Philanthropy Initiative. As part of the panel discussions on women's role in Islamic philanthropy, inclusive giving, and how religious principles shape acts of charity.

  • 2023 Certificate of Participation in the 7th Annual Symposium on Muslim Philanthropy & Civil Society. presentation titled “Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA): Nonprofit Networks and Social Transformation.”

    2020 Doctoral Fellowship Award from the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action

    2019 Outstanding International Student Award for Academic Excellence in the College of Liberal Arts, Auburn University

    2007 Certificate of appreciation as one of the best teaching lecturers in the German University in Cairo, GUC

    1996 Honorary certificate in the International Conference of Population Development (ICPD) conference from the Minister of Population, Cairo, Egypt